| Tower Hill
Tower Hill is a dormant volcano believed to have erupted about 30,000 years ago. Tower Hill was declared Victoria`s First National Park in 1892 more
 | Botanical Gardens
The botanic gardens, which are part of a large, central recreational area and were designed by William Guilfoyle in the late 1800s. more
 | Heritage Trail
The town`s Heritage Trail, which highlights many of Koroit`s beautiful old buildings. It is walkable and driveable and features 30 places of interest. Brochures are available at buisnesses throughout Koroit. more
 | Koroit Art Gallery
The owners of the Koroit Country Bakehouse have built a second storey above the existing bakery and cafe to accommodate the gallery. more
 | Mickey Bourke's Hotel
The famous Mickey Bourke`s Koroit Hotel. It has been trading as a hotel for a century-and-a-half and is known throughout the country. more
 | Old Railway Station
The rail first came through to Koroit in 1889 and provided new opportunities for many but also impacted on the future prosperity of the town. more
 | PtFairy-W'bool Rail Trail
The soon to be developed Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail passes through Koroit with a central attraction being the old Railway Station and goods yards. more
 | Tourist Drive
The Tourist Drive, a 12 kilometre scenic tour of Koroit. Starts at the Historic Koroit Sign on Lake View Road. more
 | Tower Hill Cemetary
The Tower Hill Cemetery. Situated on the outskirts of the village, it is the final resting place for many well-known people and pioneers, including a Nobel Prize winner and the first Australian recognised as dying for Unionism. more